St. Peter’s as a church school
“As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter, and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” And at once they left their nets and followed Him.…
You can read our Oustanding SIAMS inspection report here
You can view our Religious Education Policy here
You can view our Collective Worship Policy here - draft policy: awaiting governor approval
Our vision as a church school encapsulates the solid foundation that God gives us in our lives: “Upon this rock I will build my church” and the aspirational sentiment of making the most of our God-given opportunities in his creation: “Let your light shine before others.”
Our academy motto is
‘Reach for the Sky’
Our school vision is built upon three core Christian beliefs:
Creation Incarnation Salvation
and as part of these beliefs, we encourage members of our school community to live out our Christian values of:
Thankfulness Humility Forgiveness
Trust Endurance Friendship
These Christian beliefs and values are at the heart of our academy, our life as a community and our approach to teaching and learning.
Our highly committed staff working in partnership with parents, governors and all stakeholders will ensure that St Peter’s is an academy where:
Effective teamwork forms the basis of a professional and motivated staff who always put children first
A caring ethos nurtures positive relationships, with all equally valued, celebrated and proud of their achievements
An engaging, relevant and fun curriculum ensures children are well prepared for education, work and life
A culture of challenge and high expectation is promoted to maximise individual potential
An awareness of self, community and global issues fosters responsible behaviour with respect for all
Children are taught in stimulating learning environments where high quality resources are paramount.
St Peter's Church Hednesford
My name is Paul Kelly and I am the Vicar of Hednesford,
As a church we are very committed to our Church School of St. Peter’s and take an active part on the Governing body and through our involvement in the life of the school, which includes leading of an act of collective worship (Assembly) each Tuesday.
We encourage the school to take their place as part of the Parish Family and take a role within the life of the Church.
We especially enjoy their involvement in our ALL AGE service on the 4th Sunday of the Month at 10 a.m. where children and their families are made very welcome. We also run ‘Messy Church’ at different times during the year.
We have a Children’s Church which operates alongside the services on the other Sunday’s and a crèche facility in church for younger children.
Every Thursday we have Church Lads and Church Girls Brigade and there are a number of pupils from St. Peter’s who are Brigade Members and who play in the Brigade Band which heads the Remembrance Parade each year.
For more information please contact us:
Revd. Paul Kelly (Vicar)
Revd. Ann Kelly (Associate Minister)
The Vicarage
Church Hill
WS12 1BD
Telephone:01543 426954
e.mail :