Our Curriculum
Our curriculum seeks to inspire, engage and motivate children to be effective learners and to understand the world around them through inquisitiveness and practical experiences. The curriculum design reflects the core knowledge that children should know whilst also ensuring that the skills they acquire are developed to enable them to become independent and resourceful learners across all curriculum subjects. As an inclusive school, we are ambitious for the outcomes and futures of all our children and seek to ensure that all learners are given opportunity to build the knowledge, skills and personal attributes needed to be successful members of society, through their educational journey and into employment. This aspiration is the focus of our whole school motto, Reach for the Sky.
Learning is taught in distinct subjects but linked by themes wherever possible to provide children with a meaningful context for their learning. Links are developed within, and across, subjects to deepen pupils’ understanding of the topics and concepts studied. Teaching is planned to be investigative, based in practical contexts and, wherever possible, utilising opportunities beyond the classroom to engage, motivate and inspire our pupils so that they are captivated by a love of learning.
Learning at St. Peter’s builds upon, expands and deepens pupils’ knowledge and skills over time to enable them to be reflective, resilient and independent learners, across all areas of the primary curriculum, as well as to prepare them to make a real contribution to the world and our society, both now and in the future.
““Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.””